In-Person & On-Demand Workshops

     Zoom and In-Person Workshops

Stephanie McIntyre is a creative sewing artist who transforms recycled leather into beautiful and eco-friendly items. She has a passion for teaching others to ignite the creative fire that is in them and to use recycled leather garments in their creative sewing projects as a way of loving our planet.

"I am so glad that I stepped out of my comfort box and I went to the League City library to meet Stephanie who is one of the most amazing and patient teachers I have ever been around."   Sam Partain

 For Hiring Information Click Here

 See workshop descriptions below for individual hiring information

Mastering the Art of Sewing on a Sewing Machine Workshop

Woman smiling at a sewing machine

In this fun and stress-free workshop, Stephanie will guide participants through the basics of sewing on a sewing machine; from threading the bobbin to completing a tote bag by the end of this 3-4 hour workshop.  

For Hiring info for this workshop CLICK HERE


Mini Workshop: Turning a Leather Jacket into Leather for Creative Projects



TO THIS------>


Learn the steps to deconstruct a leather jacket or coat and turn the leather into wonderful "fabric" for your next sewing project.   

For Hiring info for this workshop CLICK HERE


Making a Ribbon Pillow from Recycled Leather Workshop

 No scrap too big or too small! Leather is a wonderful material that adds class and panache to almost any sewing project. Using leather scraps, pieces, and strips and your creativity make lovely pillow creations during this easy, fun, workshop.

For Hiring info for this workshop CLICK HERE

Mini Workshop: Leather Reverse Applique

 Let's take reverse applique to a whole new level using recycled leather. It's super simple even for newbies to master. Sewing sustainably means striving for zero-waste, and this technique will have you using up all of your small pieces. Fun and environmentally conscious at the same time! 

For Hiring info for this workshop CLICK HERE

More info coming soon for these new workshops

  Binding Your Lap Quilt with Leather 
 Leather Flower Corset Belt